A large proportion of dirt entering a building is carried in on footwear and if the floors are not correctly maintained they can suffer damage and need to be replaced far earlier than otherwise required, consequently incurring considerable, unnecessary expense. First impressions count... The first and lasting impression that a visitor, customer or employee receives on entering a building is the state and condition of the floor. An attractive, well maintained floor immediately provides a favourable impression which reflects well on the company and owners of the building. Well maintained floors are clean floors but, most importantly, are also attractive, hygienic and safe. Prevention is still better than cure... Daily cleaning of your floors is the most important maintenance procedure. Cleaning with the right tools along with a daily or weekly maintenance regime can reduce damage and avoid the need for aggressive and potentially damaging treatments. Regular cleaning and maintenance will make the surface last longer and retain its shine. Floors are a big investment...
Floors can often be protected against damage before use. For
example, polishing with diamond pads seals the surface and makes it more hard wearing.
See pages 176 to 177
A floor finish or sealant will protect the floor from dirt while reducing the risk of slip and fall accidents.
See pages 166 to 167
Carpets can be easier to maintain than hard floors. With specialist care and a clear understanding of their properties, maintenance can be achieved with only a basic level of training and the use of quality cleaning detergents.
See pages 170 to 175
Hygiene. Measured.
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